The Dark Side Of Sunnydale
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Welcome To The Dark Side Of Sunnydale!
I Would Especially Like To Welcome The Members Of HanniganDotCom. Wouldn't It Be Cool If There Was A Hannigonia (Long Live Queen Aly!). The Miss Kitty Club Is Here If You Are Interested. Any Photos I Post At HDC Or Have On The Site Will Be Accessible On My Photo Page. Don't Forget To Browse The Shopping Page!
Latest News.
I'm Working To Update This Site Dedicated To BtVS:

1/30/02    I've Updated the shopping page. Check out the cool stuff!

9/05/01    Updating The Comic Con Page And Shopping Page. All Files Over 256kb Will Be Deleted Due To Changes With The Service.

7/03/01   Buffy Is Over For The Season But Aly Is Gonna Be In American Pie 2 Coming Out In August. Buffy Will Resume On UPN In Sometime Between Aug and Oct.

7/03/01   Uploaded Pictures Of Aly At The MTV Movie Awards And Fixed A Couple Things On The Site.

5/12/01   More Updates, Like Adding Links To The Piccies And Other Stuff.

5/04/01   Began Actually Making My New Site.

5/01/01   Newest Buffy Episode In The US Was Aired Today (Tough Love).

Be Sure To Join The Miss Kitty Club To Show Your Support For Willow And Tara's Relationship!
This is a dumb world.
In my world there are people in chains and we can ride them like ponies.

Site Enhancements
Can You Say Vamp Will =)
Mail Me For Questions And To Join The Kitty Club

Look At This Pic
Isn't This A Nice Picture, I Didn't Take It!